March 2011, Volume 16, Number 6
Posted on March 22, 2011
No April due to tax return deadlines
May Meeting
Date: Thursday, May 19, 2011
When: Noon-1.30pm
Where: Schechter Dokken Kanter at 100 Washington Ave S, Ste 1600, Mpls, MN
Topic: Please contact John Heidebrecht if you have ideas for a speaker or topic!
Lunch is provided.
Please contact Dennie O’Leary at to confirm.
Annual Conference Report
The 22nd Annual Business Valuation Conference is scheduled for Wednesday, February 1, 2012. Feel free to submit suggestions for speakers and topics for the 22nd Annual Business Valuation Conference. ASA, NCCIBA, and NACVA planning committee members will be announced in June and the kick-off meeting will occur mid-August.
If you did not receive the CE certificates you requested for the 2010 conference, please contact Dennie at
Chuck Miller of Shenehon Company received his CBA designation in January. Congratulations, Chuck! We all recognize how much hard work and persistence it takes to achieve this milestone.
We are still fine-tuning our website ( Take advantage of this marketing tool by updating your bio on a regular basis. If you are not sure how to upload your photo, send it to Dennie at
Business Data Network (BDN)
Bob Strachota addressed attendees at the joint ASA/NCCIBA meeting regarding interest in developing a non-profit business data network. Bob discussed the advantages of setting up a database for local business appraisers and brokers that is similar to the system currently available for real estate appraisers and brokers (ADN). If we have 3-5 initial investors (shareholders) willing to jump start the process, the result will be a valuable resource for all business valuation professionals in the area. Once the proposed database is up and running, additional interested parties will be invited to join at basic membership rates. Further details are available upon request.
Thank You
A big thank you to ASA for hosting the joint meeting (and providing lunch) at Grant Thornton. Clay Shultz and Chuck Miller of Shenehon Company discussed the Private Cost of Capital Model as developed by Dr. John K. Paglia of Pepperdine University, and Rob Slee of MidasNation. The model uses survey data for the private capital markets as an alternative to the traditional methods which rely on data from the public capital markets (such as Ibbotson and Duff & Phelps).