June 2014: Volume 19, Number 8
Posted on August 21, 2014
Next Meeting: September 18, 2014
Place: Schechter Dokken Kanter
100 Washington Avenue South, Suite 1600, Minneapolis, MN
Time: Noon – 1:00 PM
Agenda: Annual elections followed by presentation (topic/speaker to be determined)
May meeting recap: Thank you to Guy Sanschagrin and Nancy Voth, who walked the group through the basics of transfer pricing. There was a good discussion about the topic and the intricacies of finance that multi-national companies face as they comply with tax regulations in more than one country. If you would like a copy of the presentation shown at the May meeting, please contact Cathy Hickman at mabvp.cathy@gmail.com.
Upcoming Meeting Schedule:
June – August, 2014 No meetings during the summer – Board Meets in August
September 18, 2014 Annual Elections and presentation
If you are a long-range planner, the 25th Annual BV Conference is tentatively scheduled for WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015.
Upcoming Board Meeting:
The board will meet in August. Items that will be on the agenda:
- Approve a slate of candidates for 2014-2015
- Accept the proposed meeting schedule for the coming year
- Set up the BV-25 conference planning committee
If you have questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact Mike Meagher at mwmeagher100@gmail.com.