January 2017: Volume 22, Number 5
Posted on January 27, 2017
Next Meeting: Thursday, February 16, 2017
Place: 100 Washington Avenue South, Suite 1600, Minneapolis, MN
Time: Noon – 1:00 PM
Agenda: Guy Sanschagrin of WTP Advisors will deliver the meeting presentation, “Global Transfer Pricing and International Valuation.” The session will discuss transfer pricing and how it interacts with international valuation. These interactions include: considering control adjustments associated with transfer pricing, transfer pricing risks, and country tax rates.
Notes from the January 19 meeting:
- Thank you to Bud Sandberg for the enlightening presentation on best practices related to machinery/equipment valuations. We appreciate you sharing your expertise.
- The 2017 Business Valuation Conference will be Friday, May 5, 2017 at the University of St. Thomas Minneapolis campus. The price will be the same as 2016: $299 for the one-day event and includes breakfast and lunch.
- Conference discount for new MABVP members – new members will receive $75 off the price of the conference (a savings of approximately 25%). Current members are encouraged to let potential members know about the conference and new member discount. Additional new member savings – Individuals can join MABVP with no money out of pocket as we are waiving the first year of dues for new members. Please spread the word to business valuation colleagues.
Upcoming Meeting Schedule:
- Thursday, Feb. 16, 2017 (Guy Sanschagrin, Global Transfer Pricing and International Valuation)
- Monday in March 2017 (joint meeting with ASA; date TBD)
- April 2017 (no meeting)
- May 5, 2017 – Business Valuation Conference – University of St. Thomas Minneapolis campus
- No meetings May to August 2017
You can reach MABVP President John Heidebrecht at john@bhexperts.com. Cathy Hickman can be contacted at mabvp.cathy@gmail.com.