February 2016: Volume 21, Number 6
Posted on February 24, 2016
Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 (joint meeting with ASA)
Place: RSM (formerly McGladrey), 801 Nicollet Mall, West Tower, Suite 1100, in Minneapolis, MN
Time: Noon – 1:00 PM
Agenda: Presentation by Renee Marino of Cupitor Consulting about “New Approaches to Brand Valuation”
Members who are interested in attending the March 15 meeting should contact Cathy Hickman at mabvp.cathy@gmail.com. There will be no charge for this meeting but RSVPs are required so we can plan for lunch.
Notes from the February 18 MABVP monthly meeting:
Michael Gregory gave an interesting presentation, “How the IRS Addresses Valuing S.” His Powerpoint presentation was sent to all MABVP members on February 19 so you can review the presentation if you were unable to attend.
Three individuals were voted into the MABVP membership: Micheal Shaefer from Boulay Group, Cody Lindman from Shenehon Company and Mark Jude from Shenehon Company. Welcome to MABVP! Now is a great time to invite business valuation professionals to join MABVP as there is a new member promotion in place: No first year dues for new members plus a $75 discount to the 2016 Business Valuation Contest on April 29, 2016.
Details on the upcoming Business Valuation Contest were announced: The date is Friday, April 29 at the University of St. Thomas Minneapolis Campus. The conference is from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and the fee is $299 per person. There is a 10 percent discount for individuals who have never attended the conference before. Email invitations to register will be sent to individuals on our email list beginning mid-March.
Upcoming Meeting Schedule:
Friday, April 29, 2016 (BV Conference 26) (No chapter meeting)
No meetings May to August 2016
You can reach MABVP President Jennifer Schiefert at jschiefert@sdkcpa.com. Cathy Hickman can be contacted at mabvp.cathy@gmail.com.