March 2013, Volume 18, Number 6

Posted on March 6, 2013  

Place: Grant Thornton – Joint ASA/MABVP Meeting
Time: Noon – 1:15 PM
Topic: DLOM – Update with Mike Gregory

Mike Gregory will comment briefly on the IRS publication “Discount for Lack of Marketability – Job Aid for IRS Valuators” published by the IRS (August 22, 2011).  He will suggest additional sources and methods as well as provide recommendations for consideration when developing a DLOM.  Mike has worked with a number of appraisers on this issue and presents his perspectives.

Next, Mike will take a look at six pertinent court cases associated with “tax affecting” – he includes a more detailed look at the most recent court case.  Five of the most popular models used for “tax affecting” are introduced and discussed.  Finally, Mike presents his perspective on the issue and invites attendees to share their views.  Additionally, Guy Sanschagrin will present a spreadsheet for consideration and comment.

February 6, 2013 – 23rd Annual Business Valuation Conference Recap

We had a great crowd (66 attendees) for the annual conference.  Feedback has been very positive and we hope to close the books by the end of March.  A complete summary of revenues and expenses will be available at the May meeting.

Meeting dates for the 2012-2013:

April, 2013 (No Meeting in April)

May 16, 2013 (Topic to be announced)

Ongoing Items:

Mike Meagher recently completed the migration of data to our new site:  Take a few moments to check it out.  Mike spent a fair amount of time re-writing the text to reflect MABVP’s mission.  All members are encouraged to update the information in their profiles and/or submit a new photo.

If you have questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact Mike Meagher ( or Dennie (