Currently Browsing: MABVP Events
April 2012, Volume 17, Number 7
This Month’s Meeting Information: We do not meet in April. Next Meeting: May 17, 2012 Place: Schechter Dokken Kanter – 100 Washington Ave. So., Suite 1600, Minneapolis, MN 55401 Time: Noon – 1:30 pm Thank You: At our joint ASA/NCCIBA meeting in March, Bob Strachota summarized attempts to set up a non-profit entity, Business Data […]
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October 2011, Volume 17, Number 1
This Month’s Meeting Information: Date: Thursday, October 20, 2011. Place: Offices of Schechter Dokken Kanter Time: Noon – 1:30 pm Topic: USPAP Webinar: We will view a short (23 minutes) webinar that discusses the more significant changes to USPAP (2012-2013). A few NCCIBA members have previewed the webinar and state that information presented is timely […]
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1-20-2011 Review Appraisal Process with Rick Berning
When: THURSDAY January 20, 2011 Noon-1:30 PM Where: Offices of Schechter Dokken Kanter 100 Washington Ave South Suite 1600 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Details: Lunch provided
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5-19-2011 Current Court Cases of Note
Current Court Cases of Note Presented by John Heidebrecht of Berning & Heidebrecht, Ltd. When: Thursday, May 19, 2011 from Noon-1.30pm Where: Schechter Dokken Kanter at 100 Washington Ave S, Ste 1600, Minneapolis MN 55401 Lunch provided